This delicious Stuffed Chicken Marsala recipe is made with baked chicken breasts stuffed with Italian cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, basil, and green onions,...
This is a self made recipe for crab cakes using immitation crab meat. Of course real crab is best, but in an effort to cut costs, I like to use this simple...
To make boiled chicken wings, you first need to boil your wings in water. When they have boiled, add salt, black peppercorns and bay leaves for additional...
Want a savory seafood dinner that's done in 30 minutes with almost no effort? Try this one-pot recipe for Spaghetti with Clams in a White Wine Garlic...
Crockpot Turkey Breast and Stuffing is the perfect, fuss-free way to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal year round. You'll love this easy, juicy turkey breast...
My oh-so-tasty and Best Chicken Tortilla Soup combines common pantry staples for an amazingly flavorful soup that comes together in under an hour! It's...
Very nice, just finished making (and eating this recipe). Worth the trouble to make your own hollandaise sauce. The presentation is very nice and not too...
A baked fish with lemon sauce main dish. The velvety smooth lemon sauce is enriched with egg yolk which adds lovely mouthfeel and richness to the light...
Wings are the best if you are throwing a casual dinner party for a lot of people. They are cheap, delicious and fun to eat, just be sure to have wipes...
Impress your holiday guests with juicy Beef Wellington with red wine sauce on the side. Perfectly tender beef is wrapped up in puff pastry like a big buttery...
Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Thighs are bursting with flavor and feature moist and tender boneless chicken thighs seasoned with a luscious brown sugar and chili...
Looking for easy pasta dinner ideas? This marinara pasta recipe features a homemade sauce and comes together in minutes! Boost the nutrients with a few...